Hot water boiler
General Description

      Hot water boilers are manufactured in a wide range of sizes from 300,000 to 6,800,000 BTU input in straight or propane gas fired models up to 300 PSI and temperatures up to 400 F.5




Hot water boiler advantage :

    maximum energy efficiency.
    conservation of resources and highest availability.
    Flexible, bent steel water tube design for closed     system building or process heating.
    Low nox.

The selection of the boiler or hot water boiler type and capacity to be use
is depend in many factors as :

     Type of Application and Load
    Operating Conditions, Requirements and Constraints.
    Facility Requirements and Limitations.
    Codes and Standards.


Common hot water boiler water problems ...
Corrosion ..

       Corrosion is the primary means by which metals deteriorate.

Most metals corrode on contact with water (and moisture in the air), acids, bases, salts, oils, aggressive metal polishes, and other solid and liquid chemicals.


       Metals will also corrode when exposed to gaseous materials like acid vapors,formaldehyde gas , ammonia gas, and sulfur containing gases.


       Corrosion specifically refers to any process involving the deterioration or degradation of metal components.

The best known case is that of the rusting of steel.

Corrosion processes are usually electrochemical in nature.